Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Good Genes......

Hey all-
I am not sure about you but growing up I thought my mom was the devil incarnate because she was so strict but now she is my best friend in the whole entire world. I understand why she was so tough and I am so glad that she was. I love her more than words can even say and I wouldnt know what to do without her. We dont get to see each other much but we text/email/ pic message and talk frequently. She is a big supporter in the blog and is still very conservative so I always get the texts "june (thats my nickname) dont you think that skirt is too short or i see too much of your chest in that shirt"etc. I was looking back at pics of her and wanted to do a dedication to her and her fashion. She has made me the woman I am today and I feel honored to be her daughter.

Here are some pics I found of her when she was in her late teens/early 20s. I am also featuring my grandma who is still the ish :) That old lady is a diva still to this day, fresh to death :)

Can you guess which of these ladies is my mommy?

Women in my family have always been girly girls and always seen in dresses. My great aunts were master seamstresses so the fam was always in custom made outfits bc that is how the Comeau/Bertrand women do it :)
wanna see my grandma back in the day and now, well click below

Always in heels and a dress even if she knew she was going to be walking a couple of miles. Its funny because now she asks me how I walk in my "talons kikite" (high heels)

My uncle was and still is too cool for school. Last time I saw him he was in a bright yellow suit with a maroon shirt with ray ban wayfarers on. It was a little out there but he SO pulled it off. Swag!

A rare cold day in Florida. My grandmother was out by the pool on the lanai enjoying her fave movie on TV so of course she had to pull out the fur coat. Only her lol. The best part is, she doesnt speak any English but yet knows every line in that movie and laughs at jokes. She has probably seen it as good 300 times if not more.

Can anyone guess her fave movie? here are a couple quotes:
"My son works!", "I dont want them, and I don't want YOU", "She's your Quuueeeeeen to be" "what is that, Velvet?"

A plus tards,


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