Monday, February 2, 2009

Megan Fox The Next Tomb Raider

Megan Fox The Transformers star may replace Angelina Jolie in next Tomb Raider franchise.

While it's still just a rumor, Megan Fox may be taking over mother-of-six Angelina Jolie's role as Lara Croft in the famous 'Tomb Raider' saga.

Everyone is referring to 'Tranformers' actress Megan Fox as the Angelina 2.0., and rumor has it that Megan Fox will star as the next Lara Croft.

While it's still just a rumor, Megan Fox may be taking over mother-of-six Angelina Jolie's role as Lara Croft in the famous 'Tomb Raider' saga. Everyone is referring to 'Tranformers' actress Megan Fox as the Angelina 2.0., and rumor has it that Megan Fox will star as the next Lara Croft. So why is Megan Fox considered to be Angelina Jolie 2.0? Well, they look alike - a lot.

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